
Responsible for this offer according to § 5 TMG
Diocese of Augsburg
Episcopal Ordinariate
Vicar General Domdekan Msgr. Dr. Wolfgang Hacker
Fronhof 4, 86152 Augsburg
P.O. Box: 11 03 49, 86028 Augsburg, Germany
Call: +49 821 3166-0
VAT ID in accordance with § 27 a of the Value Added Tax Act: DE 1275 111 72
The Diocese of Augsburg is a public corporation. It is represented by the Vicar General Domdekan Msgr. Dr. Wolfgang Hacker.
Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV.
Melanie Thierbach
Museum management
Kornhausgasse 3-5
86152 Augsburg
Dr. Eva-Maria Bongardt
Webdesign & Admin
Wolfgang Mennel, mennel-medien-kunst
Jürgen Bartenschlager, Trunkelsberg
art shop Julius Böhler, Starnberg
Marc Brandner, Leutkirch in Allgäu
Achim Bunz
Hubert Erben, Diocese of Augsburg
Norbert Liesz, Augsburg
Alberto Luisa, Brescia
Michael Christian Peters, Schondorf am Ammersee
Wilfried Petzi, Munich
Richter + Fink, Augsburg
Siegfried Wameser, Munich
Christian Wild, Augsburg
Despite careful control of the contents, we do not assume any liability for the contents of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content. The Diocese of Augsburg accepts no liability for the accuracy and completeness of content provided by other sponsors (e.g. parishes), nor for the content being free of third-party rights.
All content published on is protected by copyright or other rights. The rights of use belong to the Diocese of Augsburg, the institutions, organizations and initiatives in the diocese or their licensors. Without prior written permission, use of the content in whole or in part is not permitted. Permission for use may be requested from the copyright holders. Permission extends only as far as rights have been assigned to the Diocese of Augsburg, its institutions, organizations and associations.
Data protection
Data protection regulations (pdf / 203,12 kB)
Data protection officer
Diocese of Augsburg
Data Protection Department
Fronhof 4
86152 Augsburg
Call: +49 821 3166-8380, -8383
Data Protection Officer of the Bavarian. (Arch)dioceses (data protection supervisor)
Mr. Jupp Joachimski
Rochusstrasse 5
80333 Munich
Call: +49 89 2137-1796
Fax: +49 89 2137-1585
Disclaimer for unjustified claimed costs
We make every effort to ensure the copyright accuracy of our Internet pages and only use content we have created ourselves as well as licensed and license-free works. If, however, the content or presentation of the website should violate the rights of third parties or legal regulations, we request immediate notification to the responsible person named in the imprint. We assure you that we will immediately check the asserted infringement and immediately remove the rightly objected contents and links, so that the involvement of a lawyer is not necessary on the part of the entitled party.
For this reason, we will fully reject any legal advice or other costs incurred by the entitled party without prior contact with us. If it is intended to assert such costs in court, we would like to point out that in this case we will file a counterclaim for non-bearing of the costs due to lack of causation. We thank you for your understanding.