The Diocesan Museum St. Afra
The museum's collection contains numerous regionally significant exhibits as well as works of art of international standing such as the Ottonian bronze portal from Augsburg Cathedral, the liturgical vestments of St. Ulrich and the funeral weapons of Emperor Charles V. The aim is to preserve this highly valuable collection for the future. In addition, the museum aims to present the historical, cultural and theological significance of these artworks to the public in special exhibitions and other projects. One of the main tasks of the Diocesan Museum St. Afra is to communicate our Christian cultural roots to the public.
Foundation Goal
The Förderstiftung des Diözesanmuseums was established as an ecclesiastical foundation under public law by the Bishop of Augsburg on August 7, 2009 and officially recognised by the Bavarian State Ministry for Education and Cultural Affairs on September 4, 2009. Its goal is to financially support the museum in its fundamental tasks of collecting, preserving, indexing and mediating. For this purpose, the interest income from the foundation's assets will be used for acquiring sacred art objects from the Diocese of Augsburg, for necessary conservation and restoration work, for scientific honorary staff, for publications as well as for the adequate presentation and mediation of the works of art.